Sunday, November 15, 2015

Ingrid Bergman in Her Own Words (2015) Streaming

 Ingrid Bergman in Her Own Words   Streaming Online

History : 

The  Ingrid Bergman in Her Own Words Full Movie is
Dirrected by Stig Björkman and  Written by Stig Björkman, Dominika Daubenbüchel .  The Stars of this Movie are
Jeanine Basinger, Ingrid Bergman, Pia Lindström.

Swedish author, playwright, movie editor and director
Stig Björkman's documentary attribute which he wrote
with screenwriters Stina Gardell and Dominika Daübenbuchel,is encouraged by his chance conference with a descendant. It premiered in the Cannes Classics division at the 68th Cannes worldwide Film Festival in 2015, was shot on locations in and is a Sweden-Germany co-production which was produced by producer Stina Gardell. It tells the story about a Swedish daughter, sister, student, mother, wife and novelist who was born in Stockholm, Sweden in the early 1900s, roughly a century after the delivery of a Swedish 19th century opera singer branded as the Swedish Nightingale, into the supremacy of King Gustav V (1858-1950) and the First World War (1914-1918) when a Swedish MP named Hjalmar Hammarskjöld (1862-1953) was prime minister, as the third teenager of her German mother named Friedel Adler and her Swedish father named Justus Bergman who was a photographer and painter.

Distinctly and cleverly directed by Swedish filmmaker Stig Björkman, this inaudibly paced documentary which is narrated by a Swedish performer and performer, during diary remarks and regularly from the anyone in question's point of observation, describes a lyrically fictitious and informatively condensed
depiction of a someone who in the early 1930s was admitted at the Royal Dramatic Theatre's acting school (1787-1964) in Stockholm, Sweden, met a physician named Petter Lindström, ready her acting debut, went to Berlin, Germany where she was presented to do a film concerning a French 18th century seamstress named Charlotte Corday (1768-1793), met an American aptitude explore in New York, U.S. named Katharine Brown Barrett (1902-1995), in the 1940s became the first Scandinavian performer to be recognized with the conservatory Award for Best performer in a Leading Role, was selected by an American author surnamed Hemingway for a guide role in an adaptation of one of his literary works and who once
said: "If you don't like the performance you can walk out …" While noteworthy for its adaptable and distinctive milieu depictions and deferential photography by cinematographers Eva Dahlgren and Malin Korkeasalo, this description-driven story concerning movies narration and one of its brightest stars where interviews with her children, collaborate actresses, a movie historian and friends paints a  imposing representation of a prominent Swedish 20th century theatre and movie performer, autobiographer, beneficiary of the Swedish Illis Quorum medal and transitory bird who lived and worked in the United States, France, England and Italy and where a Swedish vocalist sings: "… Jäg sjunger filmen om oss …" or "… I intone the film regarding us …" contains a great and timely achieve by originator Michael Nyman.

Release Dates :
    France     19 May 2015     (Cannes Film Festival)
    Israel     12 July 2015     (Jerusalem Film Festival)
    Denmark     27 August 2015    
    Norway     28 August 2015    
    Sweden     28 August 2015    
    Germany     30 August 2015     (TV premiere)
    France     30 August 2015     (TV premiere)
    Finland     11 September 2015    
    Iceland     26 September 2015     (Reykjavik  International Film Festival)
    USA     3 October 2015     (New York Film Festival)
    Canada     8 October 2015     (Vancouver International Film Festival)
    USA     12 October 2015     (Mill Valley Film Festival)
    South Korea     15 October 2015    
    UK     17 October 2015     (London Film Festival)
    USA     25 October 2015     (Middleburg Film Festival)
    Japan     26 October 2015     (Tokyo International Film   Festival)
    USA     13 November 2015    
Country    :     Sweden
Language    :     Swedish | English

Runtime  :  1 hr 54 min (114 min)

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