Saturday, November 14, 2015

Theeb (2014) Streaming

 Theeb   Streaming 

 Story Line :

The Theeb Full Movie is Dirrected by  Naji Abu Nowar and
Written by  Naji Abu Nowar& Bassel Ghandour.
The Stars of this Movie are  Jacir Eid Al-Hwietat,
Hussein Salameh Al-Sweilhiyeen, Hassan Mutlag Al-Maraiyeh

Director: Naji Abu No War
Bait Shawareb, light picture produced by
Co-producer: Immortal Entertainment
Executive Producer: Nadine Toukan
World sales: Fortissimo Films Distributor (MENA): Mad Solutions Synopsis: Arabian, 1916 Theeb Ottoman Empire basabasaprattekei a Bedouin tribe wants to cuddle her father, but his father lost itimadtade shocked,
 I cry of distress, and it gives him kathabariye Theeb brother Hussein's fall. Hussein Theeb Bedouin way of life trying to teach, but are more interested in  mischief than young mentorship. A mysterious mission
in their life with the arrival of a British army officer  and his guide were seriously interrupted. In no way do
 they back up and running. He wants his father's name for fear of dishonouring his guests did not refuse help, Hussein is the destination of a pilgrimage to Mecca, the old, and the route is agreed to in a water-well. Can one think of bhayahalo lost his brother, Theeb0 Hussein and chases after the treacherous journey across th Arabian desert. Since the start of the First World War the Ottoman hired this strange terrain, and the destitute Bedouin Arab revolutionaries have become the hunting ground of the Raiders. Theeb was quick to
adulthood, will learn about trust and betrayal to survive. He will have to live up to the name his father gave him. But the real betrayal is yabaya victory. The betrayal of his inability to remain  miththara glani.

Release Dates :
 UK    11 October 2014    (London Film Festival)
 United Arab Emirates    19 March 2015   
 Jordan     ---   19 March 2015   
 Lebanon ---   19 March 2015   
 Slovenia ---    11 June 2015   
 Norway      ---   25 June 2015   

Runtime  is 1 hr 40 min (100 min)
Sound Mix Setreo.
Aspect Ratio   :  2.35 : 1

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